
Write for us

Thank you for your interest in writing for us.

OpenGlobalRights (OGR) publishes short, evidence-based and research-grounded articles on human rights strategies, data, scholarship challenges, and solutions. We connect and amplify a wide range of voices throughout the ecosystem — as such, we consider submissions from any author interested in human rights research, advocacy, or practice. To contribute your knowledge, experience, or perspective towards this goal, read carefully through the following guidelines and submit a proposal. 

Please note that OGR is unable to offer honorariums or payment for contributions.

1. Submit a Pitch

To begin, please look at our previously published articles and note our accessible, op-ed style of writing. Next, use our submission form to submit a short pitch. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a response from our editorial team.

Pitches should include:

  1. An intriguing title for your article - note, however, that we reserve the right to decide on titles to maximizeappeal.

  2. A short biography, in 2-3 sentences. Please include only your most important titles and affiliations and country of residence. Hyperlink to your organization, personal website, or recent published works.

  3. A brief outline of your main argument; explain which of our debates you are addressing, if applicable; and describe the evidence for your argument (data, anecdotes, personal experience, etc.).

Submit your pitch

2. Writing Guidelines

OGR articles are aimed at a general and global audience — as such, we often translate into multiple languages. Please keep these guidelines in mind when drafting your article:

•  Keep your submission short: 800-1000 words only.
•  Use a minimum of technical, academic or legal jargon. Write simply and directly, use short sentences, and consider readers and translators working in other languages.
•  Place the most important points at the top.
•  Use the active voice. See comparisons between active and passive voice here.
•  Embed hyperlinks to open sources to support your arguments. We do not publish footnotes or endnotes.
•  Whenever possible, link to sources in English or another widely spoken language.
•  Provide background information; do not assume readers know about your country or topic.
•  Hyperlink to previously published OGR articles when appropriate.

Questions to consider when drafting your piece:

  1. What is the topic you are writing about? Are you responding to a particular article previously published on Open Global Rights? If yes, which one(s)?

  2. Why and how does your topic or issue connect with human rights? Why should general readers outside your region, or thematic area, care?

  3. What is the main idea or argument that you would like readers to consider, in one sentence?

  4. What are the three main points supporting your main idea?

Consult our general article drafting template for further guidance on how you can structure your ideas and text.

3. The Editing Process

Once you have submitted a pitch, our team will review your proposal. If your query fits our mandate, we will request a full draft and begin the editing process. Once your draft is submitted, we will return an edited version with comments, requests, and suggestions. Please return the next draft to us as quickly as possible with changes tracked.

We often send a second version back, as we take the writing and editing process very seriously. Our goal is to make your piece as polished and compelling as possible. Please be patient. The more time we spend editing, the broader your audience will be.

Any questions can be directed to

4. Article Dissemination

When your piece is published, we will notify you and ask you to disseminate through your own networks and social media. We will do the same through our multi-lingual Facebook and Twitter channels, and through our weekly newsletter.

5. Cross Publishing

Once your piece appears on our website, you are welcome to publish elsewhere, provided that the other venue provides a hyperlink back to the original publication and notes that “this piece was originally published on [date] on OpenGlobalRights.” Please let us know about the cross publishing, so that we can help promote it through our networks and track for learning and reporting.